Thursday, 22 September 2011

Back to the Forest

Well, back to Back Forest actually.

I guess it must be about 26 years since I last climbed at Back Forest, near Gradbach Mill and at the far, far end of the Roaches. Didn't really remember much about it except that I was with a giant, red haired outdoor photographer called Rob. Had it filed under, good views, not much to do.

Sure enough, the view is still nice. But, so is the peace and isolation. Also, lots of bugs and birds about for the budding naturalist. And the climbing? Actually, not bad at all. Only about 30 routes all told and mostly around 7m high, so not exactly on the scale of its neighbours. However, for all their low grades and stature, the climbs have both charm and quality and some of are just a bit steep!

Think I might go back a bit sooner next time.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Minus 4 Minutes & Counting

Minus 4 minutes. That is the length of today compared to yesterday. We are heading for the dark days and it is picking up speed. If you have any evening trips planned, get them done quick.

I have been remiss with this blogging. I find the will to blog is rarely followed by the time to blog. That it not to say I have not found time to get out and about a bit. For instance, a couple of weeks ago I headed up the Kinder Downfall after work. My mate Scott was up in the area working and wanted to go do Zigzag.

Rockforms in Kinder Amphitheatre

It is a bit of a walk up (especially if you are a bit short of time) but those moorland crags are well worth the effort. For a start, they are usually quiet. Even the Mynedd CC, based in local Hayfield, only had one trip up there this year. Secondly, the rock forms are absorbing, the grit almost seems to ooze into laybacks and overhangs with little or no polish. Thirdly, the view at sunset is awesome.

So get up there quick before it gets dark, and don't forget the headtorch!